You can use your own dockerised Node.js in your Github repository or use the my repository for this Dockerize Node.js repository

This doc assumes that you already have a server running Redhat and that the ports are open to the internet for inbound and outbound.

Install Docker with Yum

  1. First you need to login to the host server with system sudo privileges
  2. Enter sudo su to change to your privilege to a system user
  3. Update your system yum package manager yum update
  4. Enter vi /etc/yum.repos.d/docker.repo to open a vi editor
  5. Paste the following lines to the file:
    name=Docker Repository
  6. Install Docker by run: yum install docker-engine -y
  7. Start Docker, run: service docker start
  8. To check if your Docker process has started, run: sudo docker run hello-world

Run your Node.Js project

  1. You can build your dockerised Node.js or use this demo repository.
  2. Run: docker build -t ivancai/dockerizenodejsapp:latest
  3. Check if the image has been created by enter: docker images you should see the repository ivancai/dockerizenodejsapp
  4. Run the image on your docker container:docker run -p 8081:8080 -d ivancai/dockerizenodejsapp
  5. Check if the demo application has been successfully deployed, goto your favourite browser, goto you should see hello World displayed.