Intro To Gulp
Gulp is a javascript task runner and automation tool that are typically used by developers to perform repetitive tasks typically within the CI/CD devops workflow.
Those tasks included:
- CSS compilation via Less or Sass.
- Move or coping files to an output directory for deployment.
- Running unit testss and code analysis.
- Minifying and bundling javascript libraries and CSS style sheets.
Install Gulp
The best way to install Gulp is via npm(Node Package Manager), if you are not familiar with npm please visit the for more detail.
I recommand that you install gulp from npm locally within your frontend application project. however you can also install Gulp globally if you wish.
- Open a console and change directory to your project root
cd yourproject
- Install Gulp on your project locally
npm install --save-dev gulp
The –save-dev option will add the package to development section of your package.json file. Since Gulp will be used to assist build and deployment automations, it is not required in the production environment.
- Now it’s time to creat a test gulpfile. create a gulpfile.js in your project root with the following contents:
var gulp = require('gulp'); gulp.task('test-task', function(){ console.log('success!'); });
- Run the task by entering the command below
gulp test-task
You should get success! back as a result.
- If want to learn more on Gulp please see for more detail!